Several types of livestock are grown for various purposes. Livestock requires particular basic needs. Alpaca is livestock which is different from others, and its requirements also vary. You have to perform a lot of research when setting up alpaca farms.
You Need Small Pastures
Alpacas are efficient eaters and thus require smaller pastures or padlocks. Alpacas would thus graze on one section and allow the other areas to grow. This is of great help in parasite management. With the help of small pastures, it is possible for alpaca rancher to rotate pastures. Make sure that you fence the pasture and provide enough gates. There are various ways to fence an alpaca farm. You can follow boundary fencing, t-post, and rope fencing to prevent alpacas grazing in unwanted areas.
Provide Gates
It is essential that you provide lots of gates to the small pasture area offered to the alpaca farms. Installing gates would prevent from walking around the pasture.
Install Automatic Waterer
Alpacas are livestock that can be easily cared for. They require grass and water for their living. To make things easy install an automatic waterer. This would help to minimize the unnecessary work of alpaca rancher. Though automatic waterers are costly, they are a lifesaver. Install automatic waterer along the boundary between two pastures. Thus the same water can be shared by the alpacas belonging to two fences.
Include Dry Lots
It is essential that you consider the health concerns of the alpacas and maintenance of your alpacas’ farms when growing pastures. Make sure that you include dry lots in the farm design. These are the small area which contains dirt, gravel, limestone, etc. so that it prevents grass from growing in those areas. The hay forage is provided in the dry lot. There are alpacas which only grow on dry lots. To prevent from the attack of parasites and to deworm the alpacas then you can sue dry lots. A dry lot helps to keep out of from parasites. Put the alpacas in the dry lot when you fertilize your pasture. During winter months dry lots are much useful as the grass is dormant and bare lots become home for the alpacas. This gives rest for the pastures in winter months.
Offer Three-Sided Shelters
Alpacas can live without shelter in Peru. In the south, it is essential that you provide shelter to the alpacas in the summer. In the south you would experience mild winters, do not go for the enclosed barn as a shelter for alpacas. Go for a three-sided pole barn type shelter for your alpaca farm. It is essential that you construct bigger bran so that it would be useful in the future. Make sure that water and power are available in the barn.
Install lightweight Panels
Lightweight livestock panels are of great use as it is easy to set up. There are two types of lightweight livestock panels mostly used.
The above are some of the basic requirements of alpaca farms. Make sure that you provide the above for the alpacas on their farm. This mainly helps alpacas to stay healthy.
Read Also : Tips to develop Alpaca Farms